« Indietro

Installazione Avanto Architects per Showroom

Durante l’ultima edizione di Helsinki Design Week (7.-17.9.2017) lo studio finlandese Avanto Architects Ltd ha progettato l’allestimento della mostra “architecture plays with infinity” nell’ambito di Showroom. Un evento di design, interior design e illuminazione rivolto ai professionisti di settore che per la seconda volta è stato ospitato nell’Helsinki Fair Centre (13.-15.09.2017).

Showroom è un evento organizzato da Helsinki Design Week in collaborazione con Habitare, la più grande fiera di interior design in Finlandia. Lo studio Avanto Architects Ltd ha ideato un’allestimento che interagisce con i visitatori della mostra.

“All exhibition structures are clad with reflecting mirror surfaces that make them visually disappear. As the walls reflect each other, the boundaries of space start blurring and the space feels infinite. The mirror multiply the area they border and maximize visibility the exhibitors’ visibility. Multiplying refers to industrial serial production as well. Seeing your own reflection creates surprises and a playful atmosphere. The visitor is in interaction with the space and becomes part of exhibition architecture. The exhibition stands are grouped in rectangular islands floating free in space and creating small squares in between. Instead of typical fair layout based on straight corridors, moving in the labyrinthine space is an interesting experience. There is no general lighting. The stands are marked out with sharp edge spot lights highlighting the dramatic atmosphere” spiega Avanto Architects Ltd.

Foto: Showroom, © kuvio.com