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A Mika Taanila il premio Ars Fennica 2015

Inarrestabile ascesa di Mika Taanila, artista multimediale finlandese che negli ultimi anni ha inanellato una serie di successi: nel 2012 la partecipazione a dOCUMENTA (13), nel 2013 la grande personale Time Machines al Kiasma di Helsinki, quest'anno il prestigioso premio finlandese Ars Fennica, alla sua 22a edizione.

Il premio è stato assegnato su decisione del curatore e direttore di museo Charles Esche e consegnato all'Amos Anderson Museum di Helsinki il 21.5.2015. Gli altri candidati erano: Laura Könönen, Outi Pieski, Hans Rosenström, Pink Twins – Vesa Vehviläinen.

Ecco le motivazioni della giuria:

"Mika Taanila made numerous experimental music videos in the 1990s. His subsequent films occupy the intermediate terrain between experimental and documentary. History is always present in his works, and their elements consist of copious amounts of found and archive material. The various futurist utopias, each of their own time, fascinate Taanila in their impossibility. Others of his documentary films deal with people who are passionately dedicated to what they do, such as the pioneer of electronic art Erkki Kurenniemi, or Ashprihanal Pekka Aalto, who has found a purpose in life in meditative running. Scientific processes and exploration of the impacts of technology give rise to video and sound installations in which the main parts are disparate chains of mechanical events. In his experimental short films, in keeping with the avant-garde tradition, Taanila focuses attention on various disturbances, errors and irregularities. They develop into idiosyncratic wholes, in which the marks of time and sound play an important role. Taanila’s artistic working process brings to mind the explorer who tirelessly investigates the layers of the past, and their significance for current reality."

(di Leena Kuumola)