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L’Ambasciata di Finlandia a Roma rinnova i suoi spazi

In occasione della ricorrenza del Centenario dell’Indipendenza della Finlandia (1917-2017) l’Ambasciata di Finlandia a Roma rinnova i suoi spazi.

Per i lettori di Cult Finlandia ho intervistato l’architetto finlandese Helka Parkkinen, partner del Design Office KOKO3 Ltd di Helsinki, che ha firmato il progetto di ristrutturazione e interior design dell’Ambasciata di Finlandia a Roma.

A.C.: Qual è il concept del progetto?
H.P.: The design concept behind the interior of the Embassy is the “Modern Finnishness”. This concept is leading both the spatial and the interior design. The aim of the new spatial concept is to make the facilities of the Embassy more flexible and inviting in order to enhance the possibilities of cooperation and interaction in the Embassy´s various fields of actions.

A.C.: Quali sono i cambiamenti principali che hanno interessato l’edificio a livello strutturale?     
H.P.: The major spatial changes concern the opening up of the spaces on both floors to create bigger spatial units and a new kind of spatial flow to increase inner communication and connections throughout the spaces. The walls are mainly glass walls to emphasize the openness and equality, both important Finnish values.

A.C.: Quali sono le fonti di ispirazione del progetto?
H.P.:The interior of the Embassy is inspired by Finnish nature and the four seasons.

A.C.: Come interagiscono tra loro spazi, materiali, colori e arredi e come viene rappresentata la natura finlandese? 
H.P.:To create a powerful entity and full experience the spatial and interior design are linked together through forms, materials and colours throughout the spaces and floors. All bespoke furniture are designed for the project by KOKO3.The materials in the interior are light ash wood, light grey stone and transparent glass with dark grey blue details in steel creating a calm northern atmosphere.The dark and harmonious colours of the upholsteries, curtains and carpets are combined with bright and lively colours reflecting the contrasts in Finnish nature.  All chosen furniture have a Finnish background, either representing a Finnish brand or a Finnish designer. Classic Finnish design icons are combined with contemporary design pieces to give the interior a modern twist. All together they create a memorable journey through Finnish identity.

A.C.: In che modo il design finlandese dialoga con l’edificio esistente?                                                                H.P.:The interior of the existing building coped well with the concept of modern Finnishness, as it was possible to open up the spaces inside. To the outside the building is quite closed as in the old Finnish rural houses. This creates an interesting twist in the project. I think it´s a kind of magic box.

A.C.: Qual è stata la sfida più grande che ha dovuto affrontare nel progetto?
H.P.:I think the biggest challenge was to get all the layers of previous renovations taken out (demolished) to be able to see the real nature of the building.There were only few drawings of some renovations and the original drawings were not available. After the demolition the real structure was revealed and the whole potential of the building was to be seen.

Foto: Particolare di uno dei nuovi spazi dell’Ambasciata di Finlandia a Roma
Progetto e crediti fotografici: Design Office KOKO 3 Ltd, Helsinki