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La Finlandia alla Biennale di Venezia. Intervista ai curatori del Padiglione dei Paesi Nordici e del Padiglione Alvar Aalto | Venezia 1.6 – 24.11.2013

Ci siamo quasi. Dopo settimane di lavoro è prossima all'apertura The Falling Trees, la mostra che la Finlandia presenta al Padiglione dei Paesi Nordici, di cui quest'anno è guest curator, e al piccolo Padiglione finlandese di Alvar Aalto ai Giardini.

Gli artisti Antti Laitinen e Terike Haapoja reinterpretano il fatto accaduto all'ultima Biennale, quando un albero, cadendo, ha rovinato il piccolo padiglione di legno della Finlandia.

La mostra è curata dal collettivo finlandese Gruppo 111 : Mika Elo, Marko Karo e Harri Laakso. Cultfinlandia.it li ha intervistati per l'occasione.
Ci risponde Harri Laakso: "Our concept is very simple, yet multifaceted: in summer 2011,
during the Venice Biennale a tree fell on a building in Giardini della Biennale. That building was the Finnish pavilion designed by the famous Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. Both the pavilion and the exhibited work were damaged and the show had to be closed ahead
of time. During the following winter the pavilion was restored, and the incident seemed to be closed. We took, however, this random event caused by the forces of nature as the starting point for our exhibition concept, which is entitled  Falling Trees. As the title suggests, the concept revisits the event and explores its inherent unpredictability and destructive force.

The falling tree is not seen exclusively as an obstacle that must be cleared away or as the reason for the renovation, but as a rupture in which the framework of rationality yields for a second to make way for something unpredictable.

We chose two very different artists for this exhibition, which in fact consists of two autonomous solo shows: Antti Laitinen's exhibition in the Finnish "Aalto-pavilion" and Terike Haapoja's exhibition in the Nordic pavilion (which, according to the Nordic agreement, is hosted by Finland this time).
They both work in ways that raise interesting questions concerning our relation to nature, both human and non-human.

With Falling Trees we hope to open up a stage for an interplay between art and nature that lies beyond the reach of fixed directions and the objectifying gaze. We hope that the exhibition leads viewers to reconsider their views on human nature, non-human forms of life and the nature of art."

Appuntamento in laguna fra pochi giorni!

Visita il sito di Frame con tutte le fasi della preparazione dei Padiglioni finlandesi

Foto: Mika Elo